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What is a Rat Wall?

What is a Rat Wall?

Who doesn’t love a summer barbecue with friends out on the deck or patio? As it turns out, humans aren’t the only creatures who like to hang around the deck! Decks, patios, sheds and other external structures provide ideal locations…


The Insect Freeze-Tolerance Mechanism

Updated: June 17, 2024 With most of the east and midwest hitting records for low temperatures this winter, people are desperate for a silver lining. If we have to suffer through the polar vortex with its absurd amounts of snow…

a insect on the ground

Identifying Bald Faced Hornets

We have finally reached the middle of summer, and while we may enjoy the weather and the days at the lake, one thing to look out for is bald faced hornets, who are particularly active from mid-July to mid-August. Bald…

Carpenter Ants Under Toilet

Carpenter Ants Under Toilet

Updated: September 25, 2023 Carpenter ants, commonly known as “big black ants,” are a common pest in many Michigan homes. They forage into homes from the outside and chew out wood that might be rotten or wet. The wood is…